Tuesday 17 August 2010

Buang anak lagi?

the government just decided utk mghukum mati kepada org yg membunuh bayi dan 20 thn penjara utk buang bayi...tapi hampeh..tak de ler dorg nk sedar2.. still ade kes buang bayi lagi hari2..knp lah erh? sbb igt bleh terlepas ker? ke sbb igt the government main2 dgn undang2 tu

kalo dh tkut mengandung..jgnlah melakukan hubungan seks..ouhh bukan bukan..seks utk org yg halal...jgn f**k utk yg tak halal or kalo dh gtal sgt jgk nk buat gitu..sila lah melakukan nye dgn care berhemah...saye bukan mengalakkan tp at least tak lah org2 ini dpt baby n buang merata2...pas tu bdk tu mati... berhati perott lah wei...ksian lah kanak2 tu...

Saturday 7 August 2010

tak tahu topic aper

few weeks ago..we have to decided to bring this relationship to the next step..but sumtimes i asked myself.. do i really ready for it? uh i dunno..ya ALLAH..smge KAU memberi aku petunjuk agar d permudahkan semua urusan...

my convocation..he already told me that he wanna go for my cnvocation..but yesterday..he told me that, he need to attend a meeting wit their big boss frm KL.. n aku?? terpkse lagi mengalah kerana kerja die..